Monday, June 4, 2012


Morning discussion led to the conclusion that we need to head toward eastern Kansas. However, mother nature always turns on us! We ended up traveling the opposite direction to chase along a dry line in the midst of the Oklahoma and Texas panhandle. Storms had all the right ingredients to form. Dew points were in the 70's, temperatures reached close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, heat index reached around 105 degrees. Storms didn't start firing until around 5 p.m. central time. Initiation was supposed to be around 20Z. A small single celled storm formed in the Oklahoma panhandle and we began chasing. The storm showed what seemed like a small couplet in the lower left corner, it soon dissipated. Storms in front of this dry line were firing and then dissipating, because of the weak shear environment. A tornado watch was issued around 7 p.m. central time. By this time we only had two more hours of chase time, and the storms weren't looking any good. The group made the decision to stop chasing for the evening and head to Dodge City, Kansas. Tomorrow the group plans to head North.

Storm/Cloud Growth


Mammatus Clouds: Indicating instability and are a sign of convection

To end the day God gave us a beautiful sunset! So grateful for a glorious sight.

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